Max and Mollie DISCOVER the Magic of Sea Glass (expanded chapter book)


Max and Mollie DISCOVER the Magic of Sea Glass — the expanded chapter book. A positive, fun, and entertaining book with a message of character building. 

On their first trip to the beach, twins Max and Mollie discover the magnificence of the ocean and ocean life. They also discover the many beautiful and colorful treasures that wash on to the beach. Could these be diamonds and rubies? Buried treasure from an old pirate ship? Granddad claims it is all just trash. But that can’t be true. These riches are far too beautiful.

Max and Mollie are faced with an unbelievable journey when their new-found trash-treasures lead them to a magical old woman. Her powers and stories are destined to impact their lives forever.

Join the twins as the always-silly Lily, helps them come face to face with experiences more valuable than any buried treasure. More valuable than diamonds and gold. This simple story will open discussion about life events that are difficult to overcome or understand. It will demonstrate that we all get tumbled in life—and can emerge stronger. Be a part of this joyful life-long character-building lesson of patience, perseverance, and resiliency. Includes discussion questions and encourages children to stay strong, be brave, and do the right thing.

Readers will discover: 

  • perseverance,
  • patience,
  • resiliency, and
  • how life’s tumbles make us stronger.

Follow-up questions for parents and teachers

  • 6 X 9  paperback
  • 106 pages
  • Beautiful and fun illustrations
  • Autographed copies when purchased on our website